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Technology migration
Scopus masters all phases of technological migration: from safety audits to thinking about how to secure your badge, and from defining your encoding charter to supplying the badge.
Scopus accompanies you towards greater safety
Technology migration step by step
To ensure the success of a technology migration project, we first identify the functions and uses of the badge in question:
– Known elements and prerequisites, ANSSI recommendations
– Impacted perimeter, known functions and uses of the current badge
– Complementary functions and uses of the future badge
– Further exploration of the possibilities of transferring identifiers from one technology to another for access control, time management, catering, electronic lockers, secure printing, etc.
We then design a mapping of the badge’s architecture and parameters:
– Badge encoding data and data exchanges between existing centralizing solutions
– Suggestions for further developments and applications to improve the badge experience for users.

Badge technical specifications and key ceremony:
– Drafting of technical and encoding specifications for the badge (Encoding Charter)
– Delivery, installation and configuration of software dedicated to the Key Ceremony
– Key Ceremony (definition of private encryption keys)
– Training in the use of the Key Ceremony software
– Production of SAM (Secure Access Module) cards
The key ceremony
Operation to create a high-security storage facility.
Key ceremony, as part of securing access control system identifiers, is the operation that consists in securely recording the security keys of access control applications and identification cards on a tamper-proof medium (e.g. Secure Access Module).
This medium, for example SAM, will then be used to encrypt or decrypt card information during transactions:
– Enrolment in an access control system.
– Read the map to access a location or service.
A veritable digital safe, the SAM card is a module for storing cryptographic keys in a highly secure, confidential manner. It is designed to be tamper-proof, so that the security information (keys) never leaves the module once it has been integrated.