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Graphic design
The creation and preparation of visuals for your future badges takes place
in our graphics studio, where every request is treated with the utmost care.
Graphic steps for creating your badges
Drawing up the print order
When your request for badges is received by the graphics department, it is quickly processed.
After checking the files supplied and validating the feasibility of your request, preparation of the press proof can begin.
The print order is a pdf document representing your badges in 2D.
The print order includes the visuals of the badges and all the necessary information. This ensures that your request is properly understood by our services, and that the production of your badges runs as smoothly and quickly as possible.

Our graphics department is available throughout the design process to answer any questions you may have about your visuals or printing techniques.
If the proof sent to us corresponds to what you’ve requested, your approval will trigger the production of your badges. Depending on the complexity of the request, it may take some back-and-forth processing to get your approval.
Our graphics studio can also create visuals if you don’t have the resources in-house.
Preparing files for production:
technical constraints
The bleed and the quiet zone
The bleed avoids an unprinted area at the edge if the image is not at the right size or is just at the right size. Respecting the quiet zone prevents text from being cut off because it’s too close to the edge.
Card format: 86×54 mm
Format with bleed: 90×58 mm
File formats
Providing a file in a usable format
guarantees fast and efficient pre-press processing.
The following file formats are to be preferred:
Adobe Illustrator: .ai (native), .eps, .svg, .pdf HD
Adobe InDesign: .indd (native), .idml, .pdf HD
Adobe Photoshop: .psd (native), .tiff (or .tif), .pdf

Font management
We invite you to provide us with the font files used in your visuals.
If your card design is supplied as a native version, it is necessary to vectorize the fonts so that they remain identical and are not automatically modified (because they are missing) by the DTP software.
Image management
Frequently asked questions
You can return the signed proof to us or validate it by e-mail, indicating the
file number and version.
Your proof can be returned to you within the hour. If the request is complex, please allow a maximum of 24 hours.