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Outsourcing service
Manage just-in-time badge requirements without dedicated staff
Our TCM® platform is designed for installers/integrators to simplify the recurring supply of badges for their customers. Our solution is also aimed at large end-users wishing to outsource the production of their badges. Badges are produced at our Mérignac site in Gironde.
TCM® is complete, easy to use and administer, and offers a number of simplifications, such as the integration of an Easy Picture module that facilitates photo acquisition. Users can take their own photos and transmit them to the platform in just a few clicks.
This service integrates absolutely everything from technical support to administration, backup and back-up, in an environment that complies with all regulatory requirements, including the RGPD.”

The TCM® (Trust Card Manager) solution is designed to simplify the management of credentials within a facility. TCM® is a hosted software package that does not require any specific internal IT infrastructure, and enables all the information needed to create badges for a facility or group of facilities to be entered.
This perfectly secure software platform is also fully customized to the customer’s actual needs.
Complementing TCM®: AiO®, the badge of trust
Scopus offers the AIO® (All In One) badge solution. A turnkey solution for all standard and future applications.
By combining the two solutions, the user can easily collect all the necessary information, centralize it and process it directly in the AIO® badge, which offers an excellent level of security but is never locked. This level of security can be customized directly by the customer.
AIO is the safest technology in its simplest form.

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